Ahora que los días empiezan a ser más cortos y ya empezamos a sentir la bajada de las temperaturas a la hora de salir hacia el trabajo en esas primeras horas matinales, quiero acercaros desde aquí a la moda que nos rodeará durante esta época, para ello he acompañado algunas de mis creaciones para esta estación con imágenes y enlaces de las tendencias actuales. Cómo podéis ver los colores son intensos, predominan naranjas, ocres, rosas y el azul eléctrico, también hay que hacer mención especial al oro y la plata, materiales preciosos que darán luz a bolsos, zapatos y maquillaje. El diseño en la ropa se inclina por el revival o vintage acercándonos a los años 60 y 70 desde distintos puntos de vista, podemos ir de los estampados y lisos en versión romántica o mujer trabajadora años 60, a las prendas imitando camuflajes sorprendentes e incluso llegar a los flecos y holguras de la moda indie, sin olvidar que nunca sobrará en vuestro armario ni un jersey casual de lana ni una gabardina o trench.
Espero que disfrutéis con este reportaje fotográfico tanto como con esos paseos entre los árboles oyendo el sonido de las hojas crujiendo bajo nuestros pies o en esas tardes de cine y cafés, degustar con intensidad las sensaciones que nos dejan estos días, llenaros de su luz y color y recrearos viendo estas imágenes...
Just now that the days begin to be shorter and started to feel the falling temperatures at the moment of going our towards the work in this first morning hours, I want to bring you over from here to the mode that will surround us during this period, for it I have accompanied some of my creations for this period with images and links of the currente trends. How you can see the colors are intense, predominantly orange, yellow ochre, pink and electric blue, we have to make special mention of the gold and silver, precious material that give bright to bags shoes and makeup. The design in the clothes inclines for the revival or vintage approaching to 60s and 70s from different points of view, we can go from the prints and smooth in romantic version or working 60s woman to clothing imitating surprising camouflages and even reach the fringes and free indie fashion without forgetting that never spare in your closet a casual wool jersey a raincoat or trench.
I hope that you enjoy this photographic article as much as these walks between the trees hearing the sound of the leaves squeaking under our feet or in these evenings of cinema and coffees, to taste with intensity the sensations that leave us these days, to fill with it's light and color and to enjoy yourself seeing these images...
Just now that the days begin to be shorter and started to feel the falling temperatures at the moment of going our towards the work in this first morning hours, I want to bring you over from here to the mode that will surround us during this period, for it I have accompanied some of my creations for this period with images and links of the currente trends. How you can see the colors are intense, predominantly orange, yellow ochre, pink and electric blue, we have to make special mention of the gold and silver, precious material that give bright to bags shoes and makeup. The design in the clothes inclines for the revival or vintage approaching to 60s and 70s from different points of view, we can go from the prints and smooth in romantic version or working 60s woman to clothing imitating surprising camouflages and even reach the fringes and free indie fashion without forgetting that never spare in your closet a casual wool jersey a raincoat or trench.
I hope that you enjoy this photographic article as much as these walks between the trees hearing the sound of the leaves squeaking under our feet or in these evenings of cinema and coffees, to taste with intensity the sensations that leave us these days, to fill with it's light and color and to enjoy yourself seeing these images...
Raf Simons Otoño-Invierno 2011 Sneakers
Besos a tod@s. Kisses for you @ll.
- Mercedes -
Si es que las flores son lo más en cualquier época del año. Y en otoño no se secan ni se pierden. Muchas lucen más!! Os dejo unos cuantos modelos para ver con cuál os quedáis: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.119750278105803.28200.118290111585153&type=3. Os esperamos!! ;)