Este es mi agradecimiento a Laura Pinchete por el post que ha escrito haciendo referencia a mis diseños y creaciones, así como a mi blog que comparto todos los meses con vosotr@s. Para presentárosla sólo hace falta decir que navegando en el suyo encontraréis un montón de ideas y consejos para poder sentiros guapas en cualquier momento.
Os invito a que accedáis a él a través del enlace que pongo a continuación y os deis una vuelta por su página, sólo tenéis que copiarlo en la barra de vuestro navegador, no os arrepentiréis:
Good afternoon everyone,
This is my thanks to Laura Pinchete for the written post referring to my designs and creations, as well as to my blog that I share every month with you @ll. To introduce her only to say that surfing in te web of Laura you will find a lot of ideas and tips to feel beautiful at any time. I invite you to access to it by the link I put below and you give you a tour of his page, you just have to copy it to your browser toolbar, you will not regret:
Good afternoon everyone,
This is my thanks to Laura Pinchete for the written post referring to my designs and creations, as well as to my blog that I share every month with you @ll. To introduce her only to say that surfing in te web of Laura you will find a lot of ideas and tips to feel beautiful at any time. I invite you to access to it by the link I put below and you give you a tour of his page, you just have to copy it to your browser toolbar, you will not regret:
Muchos besos.
-Mercedes Cortezón-
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