Hola chicas, ¿qué tal va todo?
Bueno, ya tenemos terminada la base de nuestro pequeño pillbox o sombrerito como os mostraba en nuestra charla anterior, ahora toca decorarlo. Esta parte me fascina porque aunque a veces resulta difícil dar con el adorno correcto para su diseño y, experimentas con plumas, bucles, raquis de pluma, flores, redecillas, apliques de todos los colores, y buscas y sigues buscando en las montañas de cajas para ver si das con él hasta que llega un momento en el que tienes que dejarlo para continuar en otra ocasión para dar con lo que estás buscando, otras veces como por arte de magia !zas¡, a la primera le plantas unas flores o un adorno y ha quedado perfecto.
Hi girls, How's everything doing?
Well, we already have finished our small pillbox or little hat base as I showed you in our previous chat, now it's time to decorate it. This part fascinates me because though sometimes it turns out difficult to meet on the correct trimm for your design and, you are experimenting with feathers, curls, shaped quills, flowers, veils, light-fittings pieces of all colors and you search and continue searching in the mountains of boxes to see if you find it until coming one moment in that you must stop to continue in some other time to meeting for what you are looking, other times as if by magic zas!, at the first attempt you put on a few flowers or an adornment and it remained perfect.
Hi girls, How's everything doing?
Well, we already have finished our small pillbox or little hat base as I showed you in our previous chat, now it's time to decorate it. This part fascinates me because though sometimes it turns out difficult to meet on the correct trimm for your design and, you are experimenting with feathers, curls, shaped quills, flowers, veils, light-fittings pieces of all colors and you search and continue searching in the mountains of boxes to see if you find it until coming one moment in that you must stop to continue in some other time to meeting for what you are looking, other times as if by magic zas!, at the first attempt you put on a few flowers or an adornment and it remained perfect.
Elegante - Elegant |
Quiero que veáis que una misma base admite varios estilos y estoy segura de que cada una de vosotras se identificará con uno o con otro.
I want you to see that the same base admits several styles and I am sure that each of you will identify with one or with another.
Exótico - Exotic
Minimalista - Minimalist
Muy Ascot, muy bridal, muy wedding - Very Ascot, very bridal, very wedding
Y ahora queda el asunto de como sujetarlo. Va a depender en gran medida de vuestro pelo. En este caso el tocado no pesa y no es grande por lo que yo os recomendaría llevarlo con una gomita fina que se disimula fácilmente bajo cualquier tipo de pelo o con una diadema que siempre resulta cómoda. Pero viendo vuestro cabello os podría asesorar mejor, lo demás es cuestión de práctica por lo que me gustaría enseñaros en una próxima charla como debemos colocarnos los tocados.
And now is the subject of how to hold it. It will depend in gran part on the type of hair you have. In this case the fascinator is very light and is not big consequently I would recommend to wear it with a thin elastic band it is hidden easily under any type of hair or with a headbnad that always turns out to be comfortable. But seeing your hair I could advise you better, the rest is a question of practice for what I would like to show you in a next chat how we must wear the fascinators.
Que tengáis un buen puente del Día del Padre mis queridas. Have a good rest Father's Day my dears.
Por Mercedes cortezón (Google+) diseñadora y modista en Tocados Mimarte Complementos.
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